Medicinal Dandelion Tea

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time5 minsCook Time15 minsTotal Time20 mins
 1/2 ounce of Dandelion root
 1/2 ounce of Juniper berries
 1 ounce of broom tops
 3 cups of water

Bring the water to a boil, toss the other ingredients in and boil for about 10 minutes or so. Strain out the tea, and take a pinch, between thumb and forefinger, of cayenne, and toss it into the tea.


Three times a day, take just ONE tablespoonful.


"Medicinal properties help to strengthen the intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, liver and kidneys. They also help to improve the flow of bile, and reduces inflammation of cirrhosis and hepatitis. These wonderful little plants also aid in the dissipation of gallstones, improve the function of the kidneys, and they also help clear up an inordinate variety of skin problems (even bee stings and warts) by directly applying the sap from broken stems.


Tea from these little botanical gems also helps with digestive disorders, constipation, and things like fatigue and lethargy, and even helps combat diabetes in regards of low blood sugar. It is reported that a cup each day after a few months shows undeniable results."


 1/2 ounce of Dandelion root
 1/2 ounce of Juniper berries
 1 ounce of broom tops
 3 cups of water



Bring the water to a boil, toss the other ingredients in and boil for about 10 minutes or so. Strain out the tea, and take a pinch, between thumb and forefinger, of cayenne, and toss it into the tea.


Three times a day, take just ONE tablespoonful.


"Medicinal properties help to strengthen the intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, liver and kidneys. They also help to improve the flow of bile, and reduces inflammation of cirrhosis and hepatitis. These wonderful little plants also aid in the dissipation of gallstones, improve the function of the kidneys, and they also help clear up an inordinate variety of skin problems (even bee stings and warts) by directly applying the sap from broken stems.


Tea from these little botanical gems also helps with digestive disorders, constipation, and things like fatigue and lethargy, and even helps combat diabetes in regards of low blood sugar. It is reported that a cup each day after a few months shows undeniable results."


Medicinal Dandelion Tea

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