Take Out the Trash
Who wouldn’t stop and consider purchasing a product who’s marketing claims this? Giving marketing credit; losing 10 pounds hits at the core of 90 percent of most people’s top 5 wish list.
There’s the juice cleanse, “Master” cleanses, heavy metal cleanses, parasite cleanses and even Candida cleanses. Then we have liver detoxes, detox diets, herbal detoxes, detox baths, and the Acai Berry Detox. Then there are the people who say there is no need to cleanse at all because it is self-cleaning anyway. It’s so confusing!
The words “cleanse” and “detox” are often interchanged in today’s language, often because many people are doing both at the same time. However, they are two different things.
Cleanse vs. Detox
A cleanse is the process of eliminating the buildup and waste in your “gut” (or digestive tract). Bacteria multiply in our gut as colonies to protect the cells responsible for digestion and absorption in our gut. We want a thick lining of healthy bacteria to protect us from pathogens which increase our vulnerability to infection. Things that decrease healthy bacteria are processed foods, chemicals, antibiotics, and food intolerances. Over time, undigested food, debris, parasites, and bad bacteria can accumulate along our digestive tract and lead to decreased efficiency in terms of both absorptions of nutrients and elimination of waste. Hence, the reason to ‘clean out the pipes’ – typically done by hyperactivating the colon to eliminate with teas, herbs, fiber or laxatives.
A “detox” refers to eliminating toxins such as those we accumulate from the breakdown of foods in our gut and cells in our body, exposure to pollution, pesticides in foods, smoking, and those everyday exposures such as BPA’s in canned foods and PFOA’S in Teflon, etc. Our body has six ways to eliminate toxins; the blood, the lymphatic system (lymph nodes), the bladder, the bowel, the skin (sweating) and the lungs (breathing). All six functions must be adequate before starting any type of detox because if one of these is not functioning properly (ie: someone is constipated) the body will reabsorb the toxins.
The benefits to both include
- A jumpstart to healthier living and weight loss (although will return quickly if old habits don’t change).
- Better digestion.
- Decreased PMS, cravings, weight, migraines, muscle aches and brain fog.
There are risks to both cleansing and detoxing
- If the person who desires to cleanse has pre-existing conditions, these two processes done without guidance can actually hospitalize someone. Although people who take medications for medical conditions can cleanse and detox, without professional guidance it can be dangerous.
- Without formal FDA regulations for supplementation, some products on the market have treacherous side effects.
- Some methods of cleansing and detoxing are dehydrating and lack essential nutrients to support the body. Yes, there will be weight loss, but that happens with a stomach bug when people can’t eat and vomit for a week too.
Although people can cleanse and detox separately, 4 Better Health supports cleansers to do both in combination using safe products over a 10 day period with a day to day elimination and add back system of healthy foods. Our next one begins on May 20th. (Check our events page for info).
Testimonies from 4 Better Health Cleansers:
- “My cravings are GONE and I lost 8 pounds! I am definitely staying on track now!”
- “My husband and I are finally off coffee and sugar! The brain fog coming off of them was enough to make us never want to go back!”
- “I learned so much about foods and my body over the 10 days. I am making more informed healthier choices and its so much easier than I thought.”
If you decide to cleanse and/or detox, follow these five rules.
- Ensure to use a proven, safe process and product and not a starvation plan and utilize acupuncture, chiropractic, yoga, and/or massage to assist toxin elimination and wellness support.
- Enlist the guidance of a professional who understands the physiology of the body and any conditions you have or medications you take.
- Make sure you are taking a probiotic to regrow the healthy bacteria (this is ok to continue long term).
- Drink more water than you think you will ever need (minimum of ½ your body weight in ounces) and add in a sauna or try UltraBath to help the skin release toxins.
- If it is less than one week and more than three weeks, the program may not be effective or is worrisome for a nutritional deficiency.